Addiction Treatment

A man wonders, "Is Klonopin a benzo?"

Is Klonopin a Benzo?

When exploring treatment for substance use, it’s natural to have questions about specific medications. Klonopin®, a commonly prescribed drug, is often mentioned in conversations about addiction and dependency. But is Klonopin® a benzodiazepine (benzo)—and why does that matter? Our trained and knowledgeable team at Promises Washburn House can address these questions, discuss the risks associated […]

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A man wondering, "How does heroin affect the brain?"

How Does Heroin Affect the Brain?

Heroin abuse continues to affect countless people across Massachusetts and the rest of the country. The physical and mental toll of heroin use can alter brain function permanently, highlighting the importance of seeking support as soon as possible. Understanding how opioids like this impact the brain—and the long-term effects of heroin use—can help you or

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A woman thinking about marijuana and anxiety

Can Marijuana Worsen Anxiety?

Marijuana has long been a topic of interest, particularly as it becomes more widely legalized and supposedly destigmatized. While it’s often viewed as a way to “relax” or “unwind,” the relationship between marijuana use and mental health, particularly involving anxiety, is far more complex. For many people, especially those already living with anxiety, marijuana can

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A woman thinking about alcoholism in women

Recognizing Alcoholism in Women

For many women, drinking can shift from a social activity to something that quietly takes over their daily lives. Recognizing alcoholism in women can be challenging, as warning signs are often subtle and easily overlooked. At Promises Washburn House, we understand the unique challenges women face with alcohol use and recovery. If you’ve noticed changes

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How Long Does DMT Stay in Your System?

If you or someone you love is navigating problematic substance use or considering substance abuse treatment options, questions about how long substances remain in the body are common. When it comes to dimethyltryptamine (DMT), understanding how it affects the body—and for how long—can provide valuable insight into its risks and its role in substance abuse.

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Uppers vs. Downers: What’s the Difference?

When navigating the world of substance abuse, it can be challenging to understand the terminology and impacts of different substances fully. Two common categories you’ll often hear about are “uppers” and “downers.” Understanding what they are and how they affect the body is essential for recognizing depressant or stimulant abuse and seeking the appropriate help.

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Person thinking about drinking and loneliness while in bed

The Connection Between Drinking and Loneliness

Feeling isolated and using alcohol to cope can be more connected than many realize. Isolation can lead to depression, which can eventually lead to suicidal ideation. In 2021, 12.7% of American adolescents aged 12 to 17 reported having serious thoughts of suicide, 5.9% formulated a suicide plan, and 3.4% attempted suicide within the past year.

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Person thinking about marijuana and memory loss

Can Marijuana Use Lead to Memory Loss?

For many people in Massachusetts, marijuana may seem like a harmless drug. State laws permit adults to use marijuana recreationally and allow both adults and minors to access it for medical purposes. But before its legalization in many parts of the United States, marijuana was widely considered a harmful substance.1 When it comes to how

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Setting Recovery Goals in the New Year

The start of a new year often feels full of promise—a chance to turn the page, set intentions, and move forward with hope. For those on an addiction recovery journey, it’s the perfect time to reflect on progress, set recovery goals, and develop a roadmap for continued healing. Goals not only give you something to

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