Addiction Treatment

People at an inpatient rehab in Worcester

Finding an Inpatient Rehab in Worcester

Massachusetts, like many other states across the country, is facing an ongoing battle against a rise in substance abuse and addiction rates. Opioid-related overdose deaths have risen significantly over the last decade. While they have fluctuated slightly in recent years, they are still alarmingly high.1 If you find yourself struggling with addiction, the best course […]

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A man wondering, "How Long Does It Take For Alcohol to Leave Your System?"

How Long Does It Take For Alcohol to Leave Your System?

Because alcohol is legal, it is not uncommon for individuals to think of it as a less dangerous substance. People often drink at social occasions, work functions, or have a glass of wine with dinner. When consumed in moderation, alcohol is not necessarily as dangerous as other substances like cocaine or heroin. However, alcohol is

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A man wondering, "Is cocaine a stimulant or depressant?"

Is Cocaine a Stimulant or Depressant?

When someone is addicted to substances, their symptoms and side effects can vary based on different factors and influences. One of the biggest factors is the type of substance. For example, alcohol, heroin, and cocaine will all have unique side effects because they are all different types of substances. At Washburn House, we provide different

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A woman thinking about her addiction and anxiety

How Can Addiction Worsen Anxiety?

When some struggle with addiction, it is often because of a variety of factors and circumstances. Mental wellness often plays a significant factor when an individual is dealing with substance abuse. It is not uncommon for someone with an undiagnosed or untreated mental health condition to turn to drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. When a

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Woman puts head in hands and ponders if marijuana is a hallucinogen or not

Is Marijuana a Hallucinogen?

Although marijuana has been legalized in certain states, there is still some concern over the side effects of this substance. Many people enjoy the calming sedative effects of the drug, but it can have different effects on different users. For some, hallucinations or paranoia may lead them to believe that marijuana is a hallucinogen. However,

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Man sits at his computer, wondering if he has cannabis-induced psychosis

What Is Cannabis-Induced Psychosis?

Cannabis products are now more widely used as they have been legalized in some states and proven to address the symptoms of many health conditions, such as chronic pain and anxiety. While the drug can be beneficial for some, it can lead to undesirable side effects for others, including cannabis-induced psychosis.  If you notice concerning

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Woman puts her head in her hands as she wonders what cannabis hypermesis syndrome is

What Is Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome?

Cannabis has continued to gain attention due to its growing acceptance for medicinal purposes in addition to recreational use. It is now legal to purchase this substance in many states, even without a doctor’s prescription. However, despite easier access to cannabis, there are risks to using this drug. A lesser-known condition called cannabis hyperemesis syndrome

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Woman sits in agony as she struggles with BPD and addiction

How Does BPD Affect Addiction?

Living with a mental health condition can be enough of a challenge on its own. But when combined with addiction, the situation becomes even more complex. A borderline personality disorder is one such condition that often occurs alongside addiction. But with dual diagnosis treatment, you can achieve greater emotional balance and a life free from

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