Addiction Treatment

Woman hangs head as she thinks about the physical signs of alcoholism

What Are The Physical Signs Of Alcoholism

Understanding the physical signs of alcoholism is a crucial first step in helping someone who may be struggling with alcohol addiction. Recognizing these signs can make the difference between early intervention and a life-long battle with addiction. At Washburn House, we understand even the most subtle physical signs of alcohol addiction. To learn about our

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Man rubs his temples as he ponders, "can you drink with post-concussion syndrome?"

Can You Drink With Post Concussion Syndrome?

Can you drink with post-concussion syndrome? Post-concussion syndrome and alcohol consumption should never mix. If it is difficult to halt drinking completely, this could be a sign of an alcohol use disorder. At Washburn House, we provide alcohol addiction treatment to our clients. Contact us at 855.298.3104 to discover our compassionate care today.  What Is

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Woman sits on floor in February, wondering about the dangers of using opioids during winter

Dangers of Using Opioids During Winter

There are many dangers of using opioids during the winter months. While opioid use is dangerous and possibly deadly, in any season, the winter months bring more challenges. With the colder temperatures and shorter daylight hours, individuals battling addiction often find their symptoms amplified during this time of year. Those struggling with addiction may find

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Woman curls up in corner and wonders, "why do drug overdoses increase in winter?"

Why Do Drug Overdoses Increase in Winter?

Wondering why drug overdoses increase in winter? There is a strong link between winter and overdoses. Many people suffer from depression and other mental health conditions in winter, when the days are shorter and colder. This can lead to an increase in drug use as individuals may seek out substances to cope with their symptoms.

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Woman sits on bench in winter as she wonders, "how does weather impact addiction?"

Why Does The Weather Affect Addiction?

Ever notice that you feel down when the weather is gloomy? How does the weather impact addiction? For some, a seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, can play a role in addiction. This is when someone has a layer of depression related to the changing seasons or lack of sunlight. Washburn House’s addiction treatment programs understand

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Young woman sits in bed and looks at phone as she struggles with SAD and addiction

SAD and Addiction

Seasonal associative disorder and addiction often go hand-in-hand. The condition, also called SAD, is a type of depression that usually occurs in the winter months. SAD and addiction can have a powerful and devastating link. To learn more about the connection between SAD and addiction, contact Washburn House at 855.298.3104 today. Our addiction treatment programs

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Man sits on couch and puts head in hands as she shows common signs of PTSD to family member

What Are the Common Signs of PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can occur after a person has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. PTSD can commonly lead to substance misuse and addiction. It’s only natural to want to self-medicate pain and trauma, but it can only provide temporary relief. In fact, it typically worsens the long-term

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