Drug Abuse

a man wonders if he's addicted to weed

Can I Be Physically Addicted to Weed?

Many people who smoke say you can’t become physically addicted to weed. However, research says 30% of people who use it develop an addiction. While not everyone who uses it gets addicted, that doesn’t mean it can’t be a problem. The number of people addicted to weed is on the rise. In 2002, about 7%

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a man needs to know what does meth do to your body

What Does Meth Do To Your Body?

Meth is an illegal drug that can give you a false sense of energy. Also known as “speed” or “crank,” crystal meth is an incredibly addictive stimulant that impacts your nervous system.  The high you get from meth can be very strong and pleasurable, but it’s also very dangerous. Meth can cause long-term damage to

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A group of young adults talking about adderall and alcohol

Adderall, Alcohol and (almost) Adulthood

For an individual struggling with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or bipolar disorder, Adderall is a common prescription. It can be an effective solution for alleviating and managing the symptoms related to such conditions. However, people—especially college-age individuals and those on the verge of adulthood—should keep in mind that using Adderall for nonmedical reasons and

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Concerned man with drink in hand, worried about relapse vs a lapse

What is Relapse vs. a Lapse?

In addiction recovery, it seems everyone’s biggest fear is relapse—or is it a lapse? A return to active addiction would be a significant setback in anyone’s recovery, but so is the loss of pride that accompanies restarting the clock on your recovery. So what is the difference between a relapse vs a lapse?   Recovery

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Woman smiling because she overcome addiction

Washburn House’s 5 Favorite Quotes on Overcoming Addiction

 Overcoming addiction is no easy feat, nor is it a one-and-done situation. Even progress that leads to long-term abstinence is still part of the recovery journey. Along the way, you will build new habits and increase your ability to make healthier decisions, all while moving toward healing.  Because there is no finish line in recovery,

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Facing the Realities of Weed Use

Is It Time To Stop? Facing the Realities of Weed Use

As marijuana legalization efforts move forward throughout the country, weed use has increased considerably in certain circles. Cannabis is often thought of as being less harmful than other drugs abused and even alcohol. While cannabis use may not be associated with overdose or some of the physical harm that comes with the use of “hard

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