woman exercising after learning How to Fill Your Time Sober In Quarantine

How to Fill Your Time Sober In Quarantine

How to Fill Your Time Sober In Quarantine

The novel, coronavirus, has driven governments to implement strict social distancing rules to reduce its spread. However, not many people talk about how this affects the risk of relapse for those recovering from addiction. Struggling with sobriety is hard, and this global health crisis is making it even more challenging. Knowing how to fill your time sober in quarantine is crucial for remaining on the path to recovery.

Reach Out to People

Just because you cannot spend time in person with your friends and loved ones does not mean you should cut off your personal connections. The more you open up and share about your fears and struggles, the more you will feel relieved and supported.

Showing vulnerability in your personal relationships is okay. This will teach you how to let go of toxic people and set healthy boundaries for yourself. When you are anxious or sad, reaching out to a trusted friend through a text, phone call, or video call can help you maintain your mental health.

Look for Online Communities

Thanks to technology, a lot of people dealing with addiction have found a way to have chats or meetings with others who share the same journey. And chances are that groups you’ve attended before have moved meetings online.

Aside from online meetings, you may also find forums, Facebook groups, and websites that aim to provide a safe space. Therefore, you can still have an opportunity to gain new insights on the road to sobriety.

Be Physically Active

If you struggled with substance abuse before, chances are, your health suffered for a long time and you are not in the greatest shape today. One of the best ways to fill your time sober in quarantine is to try recreational activities and exercise. This will reduce your stress and boredom – two of the most common relapse triggers.

When you move and sweat, you can restore the balance in your life. In time, you will benefit from its physical and emotional advantages. Some of the exercises you can try include:

  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • High-intensity interval training
  • Dancing

Focus on Your Job

Those recovering from drug or alcohol addiction usually find it hard to manage work-related responsibilities, employment, and money. If you dealt with addiction and substance abuse for a long time, you might be in financial trouble.

There is no denying that money and work-related problems can also trigger a relapse. This is why it’s important to get your finances in order. If you still have work, you’re lucky. If not, try to look for online opportunities that align with your skillset to keep busy. Or work to gain more certifications to outshine the competition.

Returning to work can be stressful. The key is to look for support to stay clean as you return to the workforce. Chances are, you won’t be able to adjust overnight. Just take it one step at a time.

Cook Healthy Foods

Substance abuse harms your body and mind, so now is the best time to reverse this damage. Quarantine is not an excuse to have a poor diet.

While there’s nothing wrong with fulfilling your instant ramen and ice cream cravings every once in a while, prioritize nutritious meals as much as possible.

You Can Stay Sober

The road to sobriety is not a one-way street. You are bound to run into problems along the way, and there’s nothing wrong with that. When your anxiety overwhelms you, take a step back and slow down. These tips on knowing how to fill your time sober in quarantine are good starting points, and you can refine them to suit your situation better.

The professionals at Washburn House are dedicated to helping you get through any hurdles you encounter. If you’re struggling with remaining sober, contact us by calling 855.298.3104 for help today.

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